Pastor Stanley M. Jacobs, Sr.
2 Timothy 3:1-5 (ESV)
1 But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty.
2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,
3 heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good,
4 treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,
5 having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.
We are surely living in the last days of human history. The Apostle Paul accurately describes the days in which we live in the above passage. It is important to remain focused on the Lord Jesus Christ so that we are not distracted by the events of the times. Do not watch too much of the current news because it only inspires resentment and eventually hate. God has called us to a higher calling.
Plese consult your healthcare professionals about the status of the virus and other concerns. You will not get crucial information from the television. This is the time to keep trusting God and wait on Him to work out His plan for America.
We continue to send monthly support to Haiti to assist in feeding the people and educating the children. Our church also contributes monthly to help the homeless community in Ocala. Plese see your monthly finance report for the specifics.
Blessings and Be Safe,
Pastor Stanley M. Jacobs, Sr.
Rev. Stanley M. Jacobs, Sr.
Church: (352) 622-7877
Fax: (352) 622-7548
Email: smaxj0510@aol.com
Married to Virginia
Father of two sons and two daughters
Grandfather of six grandsons and four granddaughters
High School Diploma, Vanguard High School, Ocala, FL
Bachelor of Science, Livingston University, Livingston, AL
Master of Arts in Teaching, Livingston University, Livingston, AL
Certification in Educational Leadership, Stetson University, Deland, FL
School Principal Certification
Trinity Seminary and Bible College, Newburgh, IN, (Theological Coursework)
Billy Graham School of Evangelism, Asheville, NC
Certificate of Completion, American Association of Christian Counselors
1997-1999 Asst Superintendent, Marion County Public Schools, Ocala, FL
1996-1997 District Director, Marion County Public Schools, Ocala, FL
1995-1996 Director of Personnel, Marion County Public Schools, Ocala, FL
1993-1995 Principal, The Phoenix Center Middle/High School, Ocala,
1991-1993 Assistant Principal, Belleview-Santos Elementary School, Ocala, FL
1986-1991 Assistant Principal, North Marion Middle School, Ocala, FL
1984-1986 Teacher, North Marion Middle School, Ocala, FL
1982-1984 Teacher, Dunnellon Middle School, Ocala, FL
1981-1982 Teacher and Football Coach, Livingston High School, Livingston, AL
Church Experience
2005-2015 Instructor, United Theological Seminary and Bible College, Florida Center
2003-2013 Bible Expositor, Second Bethlehem Baptist Association, Ocala, FL
1999-Pres Pastor, New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church, Ocala, FL
1997-1999 Pastor, New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church, Ocala, FL
1995-1997 Associate Pastor, New St. John Missionary Baptist Church, Ocala, FL
1994-1999 President, United Congress of Christian Education, Ocala, FL
1983-1995 Pastor, Canaan Missionary Baptist Church, Flemington, FL
Awards and Community Work
Big Brothers Big Sisters Board of Directors
Arnette House Board of Directors
Take Stock In Children Board of Directors
Church Without Walls
Marion Juvenile Detention Center Advisory Board
Marion County Sheriff’s Citizen Advisory Board
Marion County Sheriff Department Volunteer Chaplain
E.D.C. Technical Education Committee
United Way of Marion County Loaned Executive Program
Exemplary Service Award - Marion County Branch NAACP
Outstanding Young Men of America
Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities
NAACP Lifetime Membership Award
Frank G. Pinkston Humanitarian Award